Amarillo College - Online Syllabus Manager (2024)

Table of Contents
Instructor Information Instructor E-Mail Phone Office Location Office Hours Please make an appointment to visit with me.Don’t see a time that matches your world? Please let me know via Blackboard Messages or email! My job is to enhance your learning experience. I am glad to meet with you at a mutually convenient time and coach you to success. Course Information COVID-19 Protocols Recording Policy Disability Statement Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center: Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy: Administrative Drop Policy Student Withdrawal Procedures Privacy Statement Course Prerequisites Course Description Department Expectations Occupational License Disclaimer Hours Class Type Syllabus Information Textbooks Supplies Student Performance AI Tools, Your Learning, and Academic Integrity Students Rights and Responsibilities Log in using the AC Connect Portal Expected Student Behavior Speech Performance Days: Be Our Guest! Regular Class Days: Keeping the Magic Alive Embracing the Magic of Your Textbook Bringing Your Sources to Life: The Art of Verbal Citations Speaking Schedule: Keeping the Show on the Road Grading Criteria GRADE CATEGORIES FINAL GRADE RANGES Letter Grade Numerical Grade There is no late work accepted. Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis. Communicate with me frequently. Pathways to Success: A Scenario Pathways to Success: What to do What not to do: A Guide Attendance Engaging in the Journey: Attendance and Participation Calendar CALENDAR Additional Information Navigating the Information Oasis: Citing Sources and AI Tools Citing the Textbook: Syllabus Created on: Last Edited on: References

Instructor Information


Courtney Milleson (Curriculum Vitae)

E-Mail or


<p>(806) 371-5427</p>

Office Location

Parcells Hall 204P

Office Hours

~ S T U D E N T H O U R S ~

Contact me through the Messages area within Blackboard. These types of messages are best for situations where you're having difficulty understanding how to submit something or have a quick question about an assignment. From these messages, I have easy access to your grades within the course (and I don't need to seek clarification on what course you're enrolled in).

More in-depth questions about your class performance, and/or grades should be discussed during astudent/facultyappointment.

Please schedule an appointment with me below.

All meetings can be held via Zoom or in person in Parcells Hall, Suite 204, Office P. If I have someone in my office, please let our departmental administrative assistant, Shauna Jefferson (Parcells Hall, Suite 204, Office F), know you're here to see me for an appointment and then have a seat in our lobby area. Please do not assume that you may interrupt other conversations. We practice what we teach in this class!

With all of that out of the way, know I love getting appointments from you. When I do, I know I can focus directly on you and you alone. Otherwise, it's a first-come, first-served world and I may miss out on an opportunity to understand what it is youneed. Appointments come first!

Please make an appointment to visit with me.Don’t see a time that matches your world? Please let me know via Blackboard Messages or email! My job is to enhance your learning experience. I am glad to meet with you at a mutually convenient time and coach you to success.

Course Information

COVID-19 Protocols

Recording Policy

Disability Statement

If you have a disability (learning, mental, physical) that affects your ability to participate effectively and have access to any program or service at Amarillo College please contact Disability Services at (806) 345-5639 . Our offices are located in the Enrollment Center, Suite 700. More information may be found at
Disability Services facilitates access to all programs and services according to the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other federal and state laws.

Amarillo College Web Accessibility Policy Statement

Amarillo College is committed to providing equal access to all programs and services, including all working, learning, and service environments that affect equal access for persons with disabilities. This commitment to provide equal access and opportunity for persons with disabilities is in compliance with federal and state law. Amarillo College also strives to provide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) that are accessible to all authorized users.

If you find you are unable to access material in an accessible format please contact the Disability Services Office at (806) 345-5639 . This office will work in conjunction with other campus resources to address and accommodate your issue in a timely manner.

Statement for Mental Health and Advocacy & Resource Center:

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Amarillo College offers services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any of the aforementioned conditions, you can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus by calling the AC Counseling Center at 806-371-5900. The AC Counseling Center website is . Also, if you are in need of social services (affordable housing, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, childcare, medical/dental/vision, legal), please call the AC Advocacy & Resource Center at 806-371-5439. The AC Advocacy & Resource Center website is

Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy:

Tutoring for Success applies to any student whose overall performance in the course falls below 75%. The instructor will create the task in the Student Engagement Portal (Watermark) to direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty- or SI-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. The tutoring service assigned, the due date for when the tutoring must be completed, and the amount of tutoring required are at the discretion of the instructor. Additionally, the task will alert the student’s success team. Students who do not fulfill the assigned tutoring task may be subject to program- and course-specific penalties that could result in a grade reduction and/or in not being allowed to progress in the course until the tutoring requirement has been satisfied.

Administrative Drop Policy

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped. Effective Fall, 2016

Student Withdrawal Procedures

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete all steps indicated on the Academic Withdrawal Request form by the course withdrawal deadline.

NOTE: Students who are attending Texas institutions of higher education, for the first time fall 2007 and later, may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career. This withdrawal limitation does not include dual credit or developmental classes (Senate Bill 1231 Rule 4.10.) For more information on Drop and Withdrawal Policies, please visit the Registrar's Office Web site.

Privacy Statement

The Amarillo College Privacy Policy is found at , and applies to all Amarillo College students. If you have questions about this privacy statement or you believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send email .


SPCH-1321-003 Business and Professional Speaking


Course Description

Study and application of communication within the business and professional context. Special emphasis will be given to communication competencies in presentations, dyads, teams and technologically mediated formats.

Student ResourcesStudent Resources Website

Department Expectations

Occupational License Disclaimer

Notice to Students enrolled in an educational program for preparation of issuance of certain occupational licenses:

Students enrolled in an educational program in preparation for obtaining certain occupational licenses are potentially ineligible for such license if the student has been convicted of an offense. For further information, please contact:

Melodie Graves
Justice Involved Advocate
Student Service Center 117
Make appointment at

You can also contact the Legal Clinic, or the faculty member in charge of the educational program that you seek to enroll in. The further information you will receive will include notification to you of your right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the licensing authority in order to clarify your particular situation.


(3 sem hrs; 3 lec)

Class Type

On Campus Course

Syllabus Information


The Art of Public SpeakingeBook through McGraw-Hill Connect. Access codes are available through the AC Bookstore or students may purchase access to the eBook directly through the in-course link.

The eBook access is required and an integral part of the course.


Course Requirements:

  • Mozilla Firefox (most compatible with Blackboard, although I prefer Chrome)
  • Microsoft Word or Google Docs, Google Slides or PowerPoint
  • You must have regular access to a computer for this course.

Student Performance

Grades and Expectations

Your academic performance and success in this course are important to me. While the final grade is certainly a significant milestone, I encourage you to maintain a consistent focus on your learning and understanding throughout the entire 8-week term. Grades are not just determined in the final hours before the deadline; they are a cumulative reflection of your effort, engagement, and mastery of the course material over time.

I strongly advise against leaving all your work until the last minute or solely concentrating on your grade in the days leading up to the final deadline. This approach often leads to unnecessary stress, rushed work, and a less-than-optimal learning experience. Instead, I recommend staying on top of the coursework, actively participating in class discussions, and seeking guidance promptly when you encounter difficulties.

Throughout the term, I will provide regular feedback on your assignments and assessments, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach as needed. If you find yourself struggling or have concerns about your progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to me during office hours or schedule an appointment. I am here to support your learning journey and help you achieve your academic goals.

Please note that during the final week of the term, my ability to respond promptly to inquiries will be limited due to the significant grading demands. In the past, I have received an overwhelming number of last-minute emails regarding grades, due dates, and requests for grade changes. While I understand the importance of these concerns, addressing them all in a timely manner becomes challenging during this period. To ensure fairness and maintain the integrity of the grading process, I kindly request that you plan ahead and address any grade-related queries or concerns well before the final week.

Remember, the ultimate goal is not just to earn a grade, but to acquire knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a lifelong passion for learning. By maintaining a consistent and proactive approach, you will not only enhance your chances of academic success but also gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Final Grade Requests

I understand the desire to achieve thehighestletter grade possible, as it can have implications for your overall GPA and future opportunities. However, my policy is to avoid rounding up final grades solely based on requests. The grades you earn throughout the term should accurately reflect your mastery of the course content and the quality of work you have produced.

Instead of relying on potential grade rounding at the end, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of assignment rubrics before submitting an assignment, conversations with me prior to submitting an assignment (to seek clarification and understanding), and anyextra credit opportunities provided during the term. These opportunities are designed to allow you to improve your understanding of the material and demonstrate your knowledge, potentially boosting your overall grade.

Specifically, I highly recommend consulting with me prior to submitting assignments or visiting one of the college's tutoring centers if you need assistance or have questions about the material. Getting clarification and support early on can help ensure that your work meets the expected standards and requirements. Be sure to engage with and review the rubrics provided for many assignments, as they outline the specific criteria for assessment and can guide you in achieving the desired level of performance.

By taking a proactive approach, seeking assistance when needed, referring to the rubrics, and making the most of the extra credit options, you can work towards earning the grade you desire through your own efforts and understanding, rather than relying on potential rounding up at the end.

My goal is to ensure that your final grade is a fair and accurate representation of your comprehension and mastery of the course material. I believe this approach not only maintains academic integrity but also better prepares you for future endeavors where you will be evaluated based on the quality of your work and your ability to meet established standards.

A Note on Extra Credit

I know how tempting it can be to ask for extra credit opportunities, especially as we get closer to the end of the course. However, in this class, we won’t be offering solicited extra credit assignments. There are a few extra credit opportunities built in throughout the term and I will point them out as we move through the course.

But why don't I add on additional extra credit points? Well, simply, I believe in giving you all the tools and opportunities you need to succeed from day one.

Every assignment, quiz, and presentation is designed to help you build the skills and knowledge you need to do your best. Instead of relying on extra credit, I encourage you to stay engaged, ask questions, and take advantage of the resources available to you throughout the course. If you ever feel like you’re struggling, please reach out to me sooner rather than later — we’re in this together, and I’m here to help you succeed every step of the way!

Remember, your hard work and dedication will pay off, and I’m confident that you can achieve great things without the need for extra credit.

Oops Tokens: Your Lifeline for Late Assignments!

In the fantastical realm oflearning, sometimes life's mischievous gremlins can trip us up, causing an assignment to be fashionably late to the party. Fear not, my intrepid communicators! I come bearing a magical solution: the "Oops Token"!

Imagine this token as your personal genie, granting you the power to turn back time (well, sort of). Each one of you will be bestowed with one of these enchanted tokens at the beginning of our journey together. Here's how they work:

1. Late Assignment Rescue: If an assignment slips through your fingers and misses the due date, you can use one of your Oops Tokens to magically extend the deadline by 48 hours, no questions asked! It's like hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock, but for homework. Please note, only assignments within the past week are eligible for an Oops Token redemption.

2. Token Activation: To unleash the power of your Oops Token, simply send me a message through Blackboard Ultra, declaring your intention to use it for a specific assignment. Poof! Your request will be granted. If you do not specifically state which assignment you want to redeem the Oops Token for I will have to seek clarification from you. This will take up a portion of your 48-hours.

Here's an example of what a message might look like for an Oops Token:
Hi Courtney,
I would like to redeem my Oops Token for SPCH 1321 00X for the following assignment: [Insert assignment name here}. It was originally due on [Insert date here].
Please let me know if you have any questions about the use of this Oops Token.
Thank you!
[Your name here]

3. Limitations of Magic: Keep in mind, my adventurers, that these tokens are not an infinite resource. You can only use thetoken once for one assignment (even if there are multiple assignments due on the same day), and they can't be used for assignments due in the final week of our quest or for group projects (because teamwork makes the dream work!).

4. Responsibility and Planning: While Oops Tokens are a fantastic safety net, they shouldn't be your go-to strategy. Think of them as your fairy godmother's emergency glass slippers, not your everyday footwear. Strive to submit assignments on time and use thistokenwisely for those unexpected hiccups.

5. Communication is Key: If you find yourself in a situation where you've used up your tokenand still need help, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Extensions are still available for assignments before the due date! I'm here to guide you through the twists and turns of this journey, and together we can find a solution that works for you.

Remember, thistokenisnot a free pass to procrastinate, but rather a recognition that life can be unpredictable. They're a reminder that in this class, we celebrate progress over perfection and foster a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Learning Objective



Demonstrate an understanding of the foundation models of communication.

Critical Thinking

Assessed through quiz questions

Apply elements of audience analysis

Critical Thinking

Assessed through informative andPersuasive Panel Discussion and audience analysis survey

Demonstrate ethical speaking and listening skills by analyzing presentations for evidence and logic.

Communication (written)/Critical Thinking

Assessed through two, 2-page essays

Research, develop, and deliver extemporaneous speeches with effective verbal and nonverbal techniques.

Personal Responsibility

Assessed through informative and persuasive speeches and Persuasive Panel Discussion

Demonstrate effective usage of technology when researching and/or presenting speeches.

Communication (visual)

Assessed through Prezi, PowerPoint, or Google Slides presentations prepared by students for introduction and Persuasive Panel Discussion

Identify how culture, ethnicity, and gender influence communication.

Team Work

Assessed through Persuasive Panel Discussion

Develop proficiency in presenting a variety of speeches as an individual or group (e.g. narrative, informative, or persuasive).

Communication (written/visual)/Critical Thinking

Assessed through written outlines and public performances of three speeches.

AI Tools, Your Learning, and Academic Integrity

In this course, we will explore the use of AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your learning experience. You will be expected to use AI to assist with assignments, providing an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology while developing your communication skills. However, it’s important to understand that the use of AI comes with an assumed level of academic integrity.

While AI can help you brainstorm and refine your ideas, it is not a substitute for your own critical thinking, research, and creativity. All sources you use, including those suggested by AI, must be credible and properly cited. Additionally, you are expected to present original work and use AI tools ethically.

Please be aware that other faculty members may have different policies regarding the use of AI in their classes. It’s crucial to understand and respect the specific guidelines set by each instructor.

Let’s use AI as a tool to support our learning, while also upholding the principles of academic honesty and integrity.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Log in using the AC Connect Portal

In order to receive your AC Connect Email, you must log in through AC Connect at .

If you are an active staff or faculty member according to Human Resources, use "Exchange". All other students, use "AC Connect (Google) Email".

Expected Student Behavior

Welcome to the Ship

Ahoy, buccaneers of communication! Buckle your swashbuckling belts, because we're setting sail on an 8-week treasure hunt for communication gold – and it'll be over before you can say "Yo ho, yo ho, a communicator's life for me!"

Sure, some may shiver at the thought of condensed terms and juggling commitments, but fear not! Before you dive headfirst into a "too much work!" krakens of despair, let's chart a course that's both booty-licious and balanced.

Thisadventure packs a punch! There's a lot to do. But I am here to support your success.

Think of it as a treasure map leading to hidden gems of knowledge (aka mastering the course material). To unearth these riches, you'll spend some time each week on things like:

  • Digging into assigned readings and resources: These are your spyglasses and compasses, helping you navigate the tricky waters of communication.
  • Practicing what we explore through the content: This is your sword-fighting practice – honing your skills and solidifying your understanding before facing the open sea (aka assignments and presentations).
  • Tackling assignments and projects: Your trusty shovels and nets, help you unearth and refine your knowledge like a seasoned pirate sifting through gold dust.
  • Engaging in in-class discussions and activities: Join a crew of fellow adventurers! Sharing insights and learning from each other can lead to even bigger buried treasures.

Now, how much time exactly will your treasure hunt take? Remember that credit hour guide? For each one (this course is three), expect around 6-9hours of out-of-class digging per week. So, that's roughly 9-12hours for this course. But hold your parrots! Don't let the numbers scare you off. We're covering the same material in a shorter time frame, making each week an exciting sprint towards discoveries. And remember, I'm sailing alongside you teachingfour classes this 8 weeks.

But is this all set in stone like Davy Jones' locker? Not! This is your learning journey, and the pace depends on your strengths, learning style, and other commitments. Some weeks might be stormy, others calm as a mermaid's lagoon. The key is to be strategic with your time, seeking help when needed (who wants to hunt for treasure alone?).

Speaking of help, remember, early adjustments mean smoother sailing, so if you're lost in the fog of reading or need clarification on an assignment, don't hesitate to raise your Jolly Roger for help! Amarillo College is a veritable shipwreck of resources: me, tutoring centers, online tutors, and even a place called "The Underground" that sounds positively piratical! Here's some information about all of the places to receive help:

  • Me

  • Amarillo College Tutoring Centers

  • Online Tutoring

  • The Underground

Early exploration leads to smoother journeys, so be a proactive treasure hunter, not a reactive castaway. We'll build bridges of support, not walls of panic! Remember, I'm here every step of the way with office hours, online resources, and friendly check-ins. Let's make this an enriching adventure, even if it's a bit condensed. Onward to the knowledge goldmines!

And don't forget, buccaneers, factor in time for breaks and self-care! Learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, prioritize your well-being, and you'll conquer this ocean of information with ease. Now, raise your tankards, let loose a hearty "arrr!", and prepare to embark on this epic learning journey! I'm excited to set sail with you all!

So, how can you engage with me and your classmates?

Get ready to dive into a fantastical journey through the world of communication! Forget boring textbooks and dusty lectures – this course is an adventure where you'll be the star, exploring captivating characters, enchanting stories, and the magical power of expressing yourself.

  • Call meCourtney! "Professor" sounds too stuffy for this crew. Remember that day you signed up for this class, picturing yourself conquering it with a flourish? That's the spirit! My mission is to guide you to victory, so buckle up and prepare to unleash your inner communicator!
  • Engagement is our pixie dust! Ask questions, share your thoughts, and join in the discussions – even if you haven't found the answer yet. This is a team effort, and your unique voice is the missing piece of the puzzle. Remember, sometimes even Tinker Bell needs a little push to shine!
  • Brain over brute force! Sure, AI might be a fancy gadget, but it's no match for your brilliant mind. We'll sharpen your critical thinking skills and discover the power of your own unique voice – trust me, it's way more rewarding than any spell cast by Maleficent.
  • Life's a tangled mess, but you're not alone! If you hit a snag, whether it's a tricky assignment or a personal hurdle, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to connect you with helpful resources, from Merlin-like tutors to supportive disability services. Remember, we're all in this together, and no challenge is too big for our team spirit!
  • Kindness is our compass! As we explore the diverse landscapes of emotions and perspectives, let's treat each other with the same respect Bambi shows Thumper. A gentle word, a listening ear, a helping hand – these small acts build bridges of understanding and make our journey truly magical. Kindness isn't a weakness – it's the key that unlocks the beauty of human connection.
  • Neurodiversity is our rainbow! We come from different corners of the world, each with unique experiences and ways of thinking. Let's celebrate this neurodiversity like Mickey Mouse welcomes friends from every land! Embrace the different ways we learn, express ourselves, and navigate the world. When we value every thread, our tapestry of learning becomes richer, more vibrant, and a true masterpiece of collaboration.
  • Present like Poppins, focused like Mulan! Leave the headphones and distractions at the door. This is a space for connection, growth, and shared discovery. Let's give each other our full attention, like Belle listening to the Beast's story, and watch the magic unfold.
  • Your roadmap to success! I wouldn't send you on a quest without a map, would I? Check out the rest of the syllabus – it's your detailed guide to everything you need to know, from technology requirements to due dates and exciting bonus adventures. Treat it like your personal Genie, granting wishes for academic achievement!
  • Get ready to explore, share, and discover! This journey promises to be filled with more laughter than Dumbo's feather, more wisdom than Merlin's beard, and more excitement than a firework show over Cinderella's castle. Can't wait to see what amazing things we'll achieve together!

Communication Channels: Let's Stay Connected!

Open communication is your secret weapon in this course. To ensure timely responses (faster than a magic carpet!), I prefer these channels:


  • Blackboard Ultra Messaging: Like sending a message in a bottle, it's directly linked to your coursework, making it easy for me to understand your needs and offer the perfect spell of advice.


  • Watermark: I check this occasionally, but it's not as reliable as a talking cricket.
  • Email: If you must, use this owl post with care. Include your full name, course name + section number (like a secret decoder ring!), and a clear subject line. Remember, without the section number, it's like navigating Neverland without a map!

Tone Matters: Communicating with Kindness and Respect

In this magical realm of communication, your tone is like a powerful spell – it can charm and delight or cause unintended mischief. As we practice our skills, let's remember that kindness and respect are the secret ingredients to successful interactions with me and your fellow adventurers (classmates).

While I understand that life's challenges can sometimes feel like battling a dragon, I want to ensure that our learning space remains a safe haven, free from hateful or inappropriate communication. If you're unsure about your tone in written messages, consider using Grammarly, a trusty companion (with a free access option) that helps you maintain an appropriate tone in various situations.

When speaking in person, remember that your tone can cast a spell on those around you. Here's a quick video to show you how tone matters:

While I do not anticipate needing these steps, I want to outline what would happen if a student uses an inappropriate tone in their writing or verbal communication with a classmate or faculty member. If this happens, we'll embark on a three-step journey to help the studentfind their way back to the path of respectful communication:

  • First Occurrence: Coaching Session
    • I'll invite the student to a meeting to discuss the inappropriate behavior and provide guidance on proper communication etiquette. Think of it as a friendly chat with a wise mentor!
    • I'll clearly explain the expectations for respectful communication and the consequences of not adhering to these standards.
    • The student will have the opportunity to express their concerns and ask questions during this coaching session. If a student doesn't attend, the matter will escalate to the final step.
  • Second Occurrence: Formal Warning
    • If the student continues to engage in inappropriate communication after the coaching session, I'll issue a formal written warning, like a message from a stern but caring fairy godmother.
    • The warning will outline the specific instances of inappropriate communication and reiterate the expectations for respectful interaction.
    • The student will be informed that further violations will result in escalation to the third step.
  • Third Occurrence: Referral to the Campus Behavior Team
    • If the student persists in using inappropriate communication or fails to attend a required coaching session, the matter will be referred to the Campus Behavior Team, like seeking help from a council of wise wizards.
    • The Campus Behavior Team will review the case and determine appropriate disciplinary action, which may include mandatory counseling, probation, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.
    • The student will be notified in writing of the Campus Behavior Team's decision and any associated consequences.

Remember, we're all on this magical journey together, and by treating each other with kindness and respect, we can create a truly enchanting learning experience!

My Up-line

While I hope you and I will always be able to navigate this journey together, there may come a time when you and I are at an impasse, meaning we're stuck and can't see a way forward. If this happens, please use the following list as a guide for communicating with my reporting structure:

  1. Don Abel, chair, Media, Arts and Communication
  2. Becky Easton, dean, Liberal Arts
  3. Becky Burton, Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs
  4. Dr. Frank Sobey, Acting Vice-President of Academic Affairs
  5. Denese Skinner, Acting President

Section Numbers:

Think of your section number as a magic password that unlocks my ability to help you. Knowing it helps me answer your questions faster than Aladdin summoning Genie! So, include it in all your messages, and watch the communication magic flow.

Remember: Clear communication is our golden carriage, whisking us toward academic victory! By working together, with open dialogue and a dash of section-number wizardry, we can conquer any challenge and reach the summit of success! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, need clarification, or feel lost in the jungle. I'm here to guide you through every step of this adventure, and open communication is the first.

Making everything accessible

Your participation is the pixie dust that makes this course sparkle, so let's ensure everyone can join in the enchantment!

When you share links within our course, it's your responsibility to make sure they're accessible to your fellow adventurers (classmates) and me (your friendly guide) by the time the assignment clock strikes due! "

But remember, if you don't provide working links by the time the assignment due date,you will earn a zero - less than a dream come true. By sharing links in our course, you're granting your fellow learners and me access to your thoughts for the duration of ourjourney together.

If this is a "new to you" skill, please review this video:

Speech Performance Days: Be Our Guest!

Welcome to your speech performance days, where the classroom transforms into your very own stage! Just like any great Disney production, there are a few rules to keep our show running smoothly:

  • Timing is Everything: If you arrive late, please don’t make a grand entrance while someone is presenting their speech. Instead, wait outside until the performance is over, just like you’d wait for the curtain to fall at the end of a scene. If you don't know if someone is speaking, please look through the window in the door. If you can see me seated in the chairs, please wait until the speaker has finished.

  • Silence Your Magic Mirrors (Phones): Before entering the classroom, please ensure your phones are on silent. We wouldn’t want a ringtone to interrupt the magic moment of a speech!

  • Dress to Impress: On presentation days, think of yourself as a Disney prince or princess — no baseball caps, slouchy knit caps, chewing gum, or sweaty workout clothes. Dress in a way that would make Mickey proud! But, also, please be comfortable for the rest of your day. Heels on a college campus are great unless you're walking around all day. And a sports coat is good for a minute but not a whole day!

  • Show Respect, Like the Beast to Belle: Just as Belle and the Beast learned to appreciate each other, show respect to your classmates by paying full attention to their presentations. No doing other homework or gazing out the window like Cinderella dreaming of the ball.

  • Be an Enchanted Listener: During your classmates’ speeches, be as attentive as the enchanted objects in the Beast’s castle. Your respect and attention are vital to making every presentation feel special.

  • Stay Until the Clock Strikes the End: Don’t dash off like Cinderella at midnight! Participation points are on the line if you leave before class is officially over. Attendance is taken at the beginning and end of each meeting.

  • Where I’ll Be Sitting: On speech days, I’ll be in the back of the classroom, just like the Fairy Godmother quietly observing from the sidelines. Please leave some space for me, as I tend to sit in the middle of the back row.

Regular Class Days: Keeping the Magic Alive

  • Commit to the Magic: Participation isn’t just a wish upon a star — it’s a requirement! Read the assigned chapters before class, come prepared to dive into discussions, and be ready for any in-class activities.

  • APA Style: Your Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo: Just like how Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother transformed her for the ball, APA citation style transforms your work into polished, academic writing. Refer to the Amarillo College Library’s APA resources for guidance.

  • No Magic Mirrors (Social Media): Please refrain from using social media in the classroom. Recording or live-broadcasting any part of the class is off-limits unless everyone agrees. Let’s keep the focus on our learning adventure!

  • Contribute to the Kingdom: Every student is expected to contribute positively to our classroom environment. Disruptions will be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs — no villains allowed!

  • Don’t Pack Up Early: Wait until the class is officially released before packing up, just like waiting until the final credits roll at the end of a Disney movie. It’s respectful and ensures you don’t miss anything important.

  • Tutoring: Your Fairy Godmother Awaits: If your grade falls below 75%, you’ll be assigned mandatory tutoring. Think of it as a visit from your Fairy Godmother — helping you get back on track with a little extra guidance.

  • Restroom Breaks: Feel free to take a break if you need to, but if you find yourself making frequent trips, we might need a note from a medical professional — just to ensure everything is A-OK.

Embracing the Magic of Your Textbook

In our journey together, your textbook is like a magical map, guiding you through the enchanted forest of communication. To make our class discussions as lively and engaging as possible, please read the assigned chapters before each class begins. When you do, it’s like adding a dash of pixie dust to our conversations — making everything more vibrant and fun! Plus, being prepared shows respect for yourself, your classmates, and the adventure we’re all on together.

Bringing Your Sources to Life: The Art of Verbal Citations

Just like any great Disney tale, every speech needs its own supporting characters — your sources! In this course, it’s essential to bring those sources to life by citing them verbally during your speeches. Imagine you’re narrating your own story: you wouldn’t just show a picture of your sidekick — you’d introduce them by name! To do this, simply mention the author’s name, when and where the information was published, and where you found it.

To master this magical skill, be sure to check out the “How To Cite a Source in Your Speech” document in Week 3. And don’t forget, the Amarillo College Library’s LibGuide is like your very own spellbook for APA citation style—full of everything you need to make your citations shine!

Speaking Schedule: Keeping the Show on the Road

Just like any grand performance at the castle, your speech is set to take center stage on a specific day. It’s important to deliver your speech on that assigned day, because the show must go on! If something comes up and you need to make other arrangements, please let me know at least three hours before class begins. Think of it as giving me a heads-up so I can work a little scheduling magic. And remember, if you’re feeling unwell, a doctor’s note will help keep everything in order.

Speaking order is determined by a random selection process, like drawing names from the Sorting Hat (yes, we’re mixing a bit of magic from another beloved world here!). You’ll find out your speaking day at the beginning of the week, so you can prepare to dazzle your audience.

Grading Criteria



40% of Final Grade


Assignment Title/Information

Speech Performance #1

This is Me

Speech Performance #2

Informative Speech: How will AI Impact Higher Education?

Speech Performance #3

Persuasive Speech: Why Does the World Need My Career?

Assignments/Participation/Group Work

20% of Final Grade

all eBook reading and review assignments fall in this category.

Bi-weekly Quizzes fall in this category, too.

Other in-class assignments may be offered (must be present to earn a grade for these assignments).

Examinations (40%)

40% of Final Grade

Bi-weekly Exams(3total)

Practice for the Final Exam

May be takentwice

Week Seven - Students may take the practice test as many times as they want while the test is open.

Final Exam

Students may take the final exam twice


Letter Grade

Numerical Grade










59.9 and below

Final Exam Due Date:

The final exam for this course will be due on the last Thursday of the term by noon. This unconventional due date is necessary to allow me sufficient time to grade the exams and submit final course grades by the college's imposed deadline of Friday at noon. No late exams will be accepted after the Thursday noon deadline, and no extensions can be granted for the final exam.

Please mark this important date on your calendars now:
Final Exam Due - Last Thursday, October 10, 2024,by 12:00 PM noon

Adhering to this deadline is critical, as I must have all final exams graded and submitted by the Friday noon cutoff. Missing this grading deadline could result in delays or issues with final grade reporting for the entire class. I appreciate your understanding of this strict but necessary due date policy.No exceptions or extensions can be made for late submission of the final exam due to the hard college deadline I must meet for final grade reporting.

I encourage you to put this date in your phone with a reminder or employ memory techniques like memory palaces, acronyms, or associations to commit this unusual Thursday exam deadline to memory from the start of the term. Do not let this unconventional due date catch you off guard. Plan accordingly, and let me know if you have any questions!

Late Work: Finding Your Way Back to the Path

There is no late work accepted.

Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis. Communicate with me frequently.

  • Week 1 Grace Period: New to the kingdom? If you stumble in the first week, let's chat in Week Twoto find a solution. It's like consulting with the Fairy Godmother! After the second week of class, the grace period expires.
  • Beyond Week 1: Late work won't be accepted after Week 1, but remember, I'm always here to listen and support you. Reach out proactively, and we'll navigate challenges together.

Finding your way through a college course is a process. There are challenges in each class and there are challenges each of you has or will have, in your personal lives. Those challenges can overwhelm you. Because of these, and the amount of content we will cover in the course, I have set up the course structure to all you the best opportunity to learn and master the content.

In general, I do not accept late assignments or late work; however, if after speaking with a student during an appointment about the extenuating circ*mstances, I may decide to alter upcoming assignment due dates to prevent personal issues from being a barrier to success.

If I offer an extension, a grade of "1" will be added to the grade book for that assignment. In the "Feedback to Students," I will write a new due date. If you cannot see this, please reach out to me via email or the Watermark app. I want you to be informed and know what's happening.

Pathways to Success: A Scenario

What does this mean? Well, here’s a scenario: Maria is a single mom of two girls. She takes classes throughout the year and hopes to graduate in the upcoming term. During our class, Maria’s youngest daughter falls from a swing and breaks her wrist. In the next few weeks, Maria’s daughter will have doctor’s appointments and possibly surgery. Those important items force Maria to make changes to her work schedule, and because of this, cause Maria to have to miss class meetings.

Knowing I do not accept late work, here are the options she may have when it comes to her schoolwork:

  1. Maria can continue on the path she is on now, trying to make all of the doctor’s appointments, work shifts, and class sessions.
  2. Maria can drop the course and pick it back up next term. Doing this will delay her graduation by a full semester.
  3. Maria can set an appointment where we can visit. She can tell me what’s happening and see how I can help her continue on her path to graduation.

If this were you, what do you think you would do?

The worst-case scenario is option #2. Dropping the course, unless there’s no other way around it, is always my last choice. Option #1 – well, I don’t recommend it either, but hey – some people are stronger and more private than others. Option #3 – it’s my recommendation. Why? Well, it means that I know how I can walk along with Maria on her path.

If Maria chooses Option #3, we could visit and discuss what options were available for her success. It may mean she gives two speeches on one performance day, or it may mean she gives a speech a week later than her classmates do. Any assignments not submitted prior to our conversation will be considered missing and earn a zero. However, future assignment due dates are negotiable which may or may not have a late point deduction. I make this decision on a case-by-case basis. The standard deduction is 10 points off the final grade earned for the assignment.

Pathways to Success: What to do

If you find yourself in a situation, please visit with me as soon as possible. Whenever I can, I will work with you to find a pathway to success. I will work to be flexible with the course requirements; however, this will require the student to be flexible with their expectations as well. Please know that sometimes – especially toward the end of the term – I cannot say “yes.” Know when that happens, I have exhausted all avenues.

What not to do: A Guide

I do not accept assignments via email. I will not grade them. If there is an error or technical issue, please check the announcements section of our AC Connect Class to see if I have made a note. If you do not see a note in our class, please check your AC email account. If after checking these two spaces, please feel free to text me to alert me. Don't assume I am aware of the issue or that it is your technology.


Engaging in the Journey: Attendance and Participation

Ahoy, adventurers! Buckle up for a magical voyage through communication land, where your active participation and attendance are the fuel that keeps the pixie dust flying!

I know this is an in-personcourse, and you made plans to successfully attend each course day, but there are times when you may be affected by life. What that said, think of this course as a thrilling quest through Aladdin's lamp, with each lesson a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed. Your presence and contributions are the enchanted jewels that fill our treasure chest and make the journey truly magnificent!

But hey, even Mickey Mouse gets knocked out by Merlin's magic tricks sometimes. Life can throw unexpected curveballs, from Ursula's evil schemes to a nasty case of the Beast's sniffles. Don't fret, brave heroes! If anything hinders your ability to join the full-fledged fun, don't hesitate to send me a trusty carrier pigeon (aka message) ASAP! We'll work together to find solutions and keep your adventure rolling.

Excused Absences: Your Golden Ticket to Academic Triumph!

  • Campus-Sponsored Activities: Are you representing Cinderella's Ballroom Dancers at the Inter-Kingdom Tournament? No sweat! An email from your club coach or event sponsor is your golden ticket to an excused absence. Just remember, if it's a blanket announcement ("All-AC" style), a quick heads-up helps me track your heroic feats.

Ahoy, chimney sweeps! Fear not if a spoonful of sugar isn't enough to chase away thosesniffles or chimney soot sneezes. Sometimes, even a spoonful wouldn't mend what ails you!

  • Short-Term Squalls: If you're only out for a day or two, fret not! A quick "chim chim cher-ee" via email is all it takes. We're all chimney sweeps here, after all, and I trust you to take a spoonful of rest and a good cup of tea to mend your soot-smudged spirits. No need for fancy doctor's notes – just follow your inner Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious intuition and get yourself shipshape!
  • Extended Gales: But if the wind keeps you grounded for longer than a week, then a doctor's note becomes a jolly good kite to navigate the choppy waters of your absence. Think of it as your trusty compass, helping me chart a course to keep you on track for academic sunshine. Remember, dear sweeps, even Mary Poppins needed a chimney sweep now and then!

So chin up, chimney sweeps! Whether it's a spot of soot-induced laryngitis or a bout of Jolly Holiday hiccups, a simple email for short absences and a doctor's note for longer storms will do the trick. And remember, just like a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, a dash of communication makes navigating these unexpected detours a breeze! Let's keep this journey jolly and spiffing, with open communication and a touch of Poppins-esque understanding!

The Magical Power of Excused Absences:

It's not just about escaping homework like mischievous Chip & Dale! Excused absences are your trusty companions on this academic journey, offering fairness and flexibility like Pocahontas navigating the forest:

  • Peace of Mind: No need to stress about missed lessons or falling behind. An excused absence lifts the weight of worry, so you can focus on recovering like Simba reclaiming his kingdom.

  • Catching Up: Missed assignments and quizzes? Excused absences open a window to negotiate deadlines, ensuring you don't fall into any academic chasms. Think of it like Aladdin rewinding the magic carpet to grab your forgotten backpack!

  • Support and Understanding: Whether it's battling a case of Maleficent's green flu or cheering on your Quidditch team, an excused absence acknowledges life's unexpected detours and opens the door for collaboration. Just like Ariel making a deal with Ursula, it allows us to find creative solutions and keep your adventure on track.

  • Maintaining Good Standing: Nobody wants a pile of unexcused absences dragging down their grades like Gaston's ego! Excused absences are your compass, ensuring you stay on track for academic glory and avoid any Ursula-style setbacks.

Remember, communication is key! The sooner you let me know about an unavoidable absence, the sooner we can work together like Simba and Timon Hakuna Matata-ing our way through any obstacles. This journey of learning and growing is much more fun when we face it together, even when life throws a few Cruella de Vil curveballs our way! In this, if you want to submit any assignments that may be impacted by your absences, you must communicate with mebefore the assignment due date.

So, adventurers, let's set sail on this exciting voyage of communication, with your active participation and attendance as the sails propelling us forward! Together, we'll uncover hidden treasures of knowledge, navigate any academic whirlpools, and emerge from this course victorious, ready to conquer any communication challenge like true Disney heroes!



Syllabus Quiz (Blackboard)8/21/2024
Dr. Lyon's Video Quiz (Blackboard)8/22/2024
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 (Connect)8/23/2024
Quiz over Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 (Connect)8/25/2024
Public Speaking Skills: Speaking with Confidence (Connect)8/25/2024
Speech Outline Rough Draft8/26/2024
Know the parts of the outline8/29/2024
Chapters 4 | 5 | 14 | 15 (Connect)8/30/2024
Review Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 15 (Connect)8/31/2024
Exam over Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 15 (Connect)9/1/2024
Public Speaking Skills: Ethical Speaking (Connect)9/1/2024
Public Speaking Skills: Outline Preparation (Connect)9/1/2024
Speech of Introduction (Outlines due Monday, Speaking Order posted in Blackboard9/2/2024
Dr. Lyon’s Video Quiz (Blackboard)9/5/2024
Chapters 6 | 10 | 11 | 13 (Connect)9/6/2024
Public Speaking Skills: Audience Analysis (Connect)9/8/2024
Post-Speech Self-Reflection9/8/2024
Quiz over Chapters 6 | 10 | 11 | 13 (Connect)9/8/2024
Dr. Lyon’s Video Quiz (Blackboard)9/12/2024
Chapters 8 | 9 (Connect)9/13/2024
Chapter Review over Chapters 8 | 9 (Connect)9/14/2024
Exam over Chapters 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (Connect)9/15/2024
Video Response (Connect)9/15/2024
Midterm Reflection Assignment9/15/2024
Informative Speech (Outlines due Monday, Speaking Order posted in Blackboard9/16/2024
Dr. Lyon’s Video Quiz (Blackboard)9/19/2024
Chapters 10 | 11 (Connect)9/20/2024
Quiz over Chapters 10 | 11 (Connect)9/22/2024
Video Response (Connect)9/22/2024
Dr. Lyon’s Video Quiz (Blackboard)9/26/2024
Chapters 12 | 13 (Connect)9/27/2024
Chapter Review over Chapters 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 (Connect)9/28/2024
Exam over Chapters 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 (Connect)9/29/2024
Video Response (Connect)9/29/2024
Persuasive Speech (Outlines due Monday, Speaking Order posted in Blackboard9/30/2024
Emotional Intelligence (IQ) Video Quiz (Blackboard)10/3/2024
Preparing for the Final Exam (Connect)10/5/2024
Extra Credit: Green Lighting Selfie with Advisor (Blackboard)10/6/2024
Video Quiz: How to Write a Professional Email (Blackboard)10/6/2024
Online Assignment: Draft a Professional Email (Blackboard)10/6/2024
DUE AT NOON: Final Exam (Connect)10/10/2024

Additional Information

Navigating the Information Oasis: Citing Sources and AI Tools

As we journey through this vast intellectual landscape, we inevitably encounter a wealth of information. It's crucial to remember that this knowledge isn't ours alone – we stand on the shoulders of giants, borrowing wisdom from those who came before us. That's where citing sources comes in, like a trusty compass guiding us through the information jungle.

In this course, we'll be utilizing the APA style for citations, ensuring clarity and academic integrity. Think of it as building a map to knowledge, acknowledging the voices that shape our understanding of the world.

Citing the Textbook:

Alright adventurers, here's how to cite the textbook for this course, according to APA style:

Basic In-Text Citation:

  • Use the authors' last names and publication year, when mentioning the textbook in your writing. For example:

Lucas & Stob (2023) emphasizes the importance of active listening in healthy relationships.

Full Reference List Citation:

  • Include the following information in your references list:

Lucas, S. E., & Stob, P. (2023). The art of public speaking. McGraw-Hill.

Additional Notes:

  • If you're referencing a specific chapter, article, or section within the textbook, you can add more detail to your citation. For example:

If the e-book does not have page numbers, you should use the chapter number and, if available, the section heading and/or paragraph number in your parenthetical citation.

For instance, if you are citing information from Chapter 3, under the section heading "Types of Nonverbal Communication," and it's the fourth paragraph in that section, your parenthetical citation would look like this:

(Lucas & Stob, 2023, Chapter 3, "Four Causes of Poor Listening," para. 4)

If there are no section headings, you can just use the chapter number and paragraph number:

(Lucas & Stob,2023, Chapter 3, para. 4)

In the case where you are summarizing key ideas from a whole chapter, you would simply use the chapter number in your parenthetical citation:

(Lucas & Stob,2023, Chapter 3)

Remember, the goal is to provide enough information for your reader to locate the specific part of the text you are referring to, even without page numbers.Consistency and accuracy are key when citing sources. If you're unsure about how to cite something, don't hesitate to ask! We're all on this academic adventure together, and helping each other navigate the citation jungle is part of the journey. Feel free to ask me, or the AC Campus Librarians.

Now, some of you might be tempted to explore the ever-evolving frontiers of AI tools. They can be valuable companions, offering insights and assisting your research. However, when using AI-generated content, remember:

  • AI is a tool, not a source: Treat AI-generated text like a helpful discussion partner, not a definitive answer. Always verify the information it provides against other reliable sources and apply critical thinking.
  • Transparency is key: If you incorporate AI-generated content in your work, consider mentioning the tool you used in your references. This builds trust and ensures credit goes where it's due.
  • Focus on originality: Your unique voice and critical analysis are what truly shine. Use AI as a springboard, not a substitute for your intellectual exploration.

While the APA format is still evolving to handle citations for AI-generated content, there are a few options you can consider, depending on the specific context and nature of your interaction with AI. In the examples below, we will focus on Bard.

1. Personal Communication:

This option is suitable if you're referencing a specific conversation or exchange you had with Bard. The format would be:

(Author, personal communication, Month Day, Year)

For example:

(Bard, personal communication, October 26, 2023)

2. Algorithm's Output:

This option is appropriate if you're citing a specific text or creative content generated by Bard. The format would be:

(Author, Algorithm's output, Title of generated content, Month Day, Year)

For example:

(Bard, Algorithm's output, Poem on the beauty of nature, October 26, 2023)

3. Software:

If you're referring to Bard as a tool or software overall, you can cite it as:

Google AI. (Year). Bard: A large language model for research and dialogue.

Important Notes:

  • These are just a few suggestions, and the specific format may vary depending on the requirements of your assignment or journal. It's always best to consult your instructor or publication guidelines for specific instructions.
  • Transparency is key! Regardless of the chosen format, mention prominently in your work that you used an AI tool like Bard and be specific about how it was used and what content it generated.
  • Remember, AI-generated content should be used responsibly and critically evaluated alongside other sources. Your own intellectual analysis and original contribution remain essential for academic integrity and meaningful learning.

Remember, navigating the information ocean requires both respect for existing knowledge and the courage to explore uncharted waters. Embrace the power of citations to acknowledge your intellectual debts, and use AI tools wisely to enhance your research, not replace your own critical thinking. Let's embark on this academic adventure together, building a map of knowledge with integrity and intellectual curiosity as our guiding stars!

Once you have successfully completed this course...

You need to update your resume! Use the following guidelines to update your skills.

If you earned an "A":
  1. Excellent knowledge of basic communication terms,principles and superiorapplication through analysis of contexts.
  2. Excels in preparing and presenting informative and persuasive speeches.
  3. Exhibits excellent ability to apply communication principles and theory to achieve best results for clients.
  4. Superior research ability to find, identify and effectively use supporting materials in verbal and written communication.
  5. Demonstrates leadership in group environments, showing courtesy and respect for clients and co-workers.
If you earned a "B":
  1. The ability of and ability to applybasic communication terms,principles through analysis of contexts.
  2. Ability to prepareand presentinformative and persuasive speeches.
  3. Ability to apply communication principles and theory to achieve best results for clients.
  4. Ability research ability to find, identify and effectively use supporting materials in verbal and written communication.
  5. Participatesleadership in group environments, showing courtesy and respect for clients and co-workers.
If you earned a "C":
  1. Knowledge of basic communication terms,principles, and application through analysis of contexts.
  2. Knowledge of how to prepareand presentinformative and persuasive speeches.
  3. Knowledge of applyingcommunication principles and theory to achieve best results for clients.
  4. Knowledge ofresearch ability to find, identify and effectively use supporting materials in verbal and written communication.
  5. Experience with working in group environments, with a focus on showing courtesy and respect for clients and co-workers.

Syllabus Created on:

08/16/24 7:42 PM

Last Edited on:

08/16/24 8:38 PM

Amarillo College - Online Syllabus Manager (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.